How To - Tutorials - Movie Maker

This page is devoted to Movie Maker tutorials.

Any reference made to the timeline in these tutorials also refers to the storyboard unless I specifically make a reference to a difference.

Movie Maker Keyboard Shortcuts

File type compatibility and associated problems in Movie Maker

How do I capture video from my minidv camcorder with Windows 7

How to Install only windows Live Movie Maker from the Live suite

Movie Maker in Windows Vista

Which file type should I use in Movie Maker?

How do I capture my movie as a DV-AVI file in Movie Maker?

How do I save my movie as a DV-AVI file in Movie Maker?

How do I change from storyboard view to timeline view?

I want to use movie maker but I don't get that option

How do I change the duration of a transition?

How do I change the duration of a still picture?

How do I add text or a title to my movie?

How do I add Music?

How do I save just the audio from my video?

How do I save a still picture from my movie?

How do I open the compatibility tab?

How do I save a movie for the web?

How do I split a complex project in to a more manageable size?

How do I rename split clips?

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